Birth and death can be intimate and vulnerable, medical and spiritual, painful and transformative. As a doula, I believe women and their families want to make informed and intuitive decisions about their own birth. As a minister I believe people know what they are longing for, and that
the right listener, who asks just the right questions, can help them uncover what they need in their own
lives. And as a human, I believe others deserve my respect, kindness, and gentleness in my dealings with them.
I believe people prefer to feel intelligent, respected, and listened
to. I may ask questions about your beliefs, how you perceive your own strengths and gifts, and what you think you need help with. We'll work together to support the growth you want!
I got a very nice call from Yelp Customer Service in response to my complaint about their sales rep. They took the time to look over my business listings, suggested some genuinely useful changes, and apologized prolifically for the prior caller's behavior, offering to add me to their do-not-call list. They say they are working hard to prevent the kind of aggressive call I received, and will be communicating with the sales rep's manager. Anyone who uses Yelp can remove themselves from their call list by submitting a request through the "Service Complaint" email form on their customer service website. Thanks Yelp!